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Some of the things you may want to know about brake discs

Some of the things you may want to know about brake discs

I. How often should brake discs be replaced?

Brake disc replacement cycle: Generally speaking, brake pads need to be replaced every 30-40,000 km, and brake discs need to be replaced when driving to 70,000 km. The brake pads are relatively short-lived and, after the brake pads are replaced twice, you need to start replacing the brake discs, and then when you drive to 80,000-100,000 km, the rear brakes also need to be replaced. In fact, how long a vehicle’s brake disc can last depends mainly on the road conditions, frequency of use and habits of the vehicle owner. So there is no exact date for replacing the brake discs, and you need to check the wear and tear regularly to ensure safe driving.

2. How to determine the brake disc needs to be replaced?
1.check the thickness of the brake disc: most brake disc products have a wear indicator, the disc surface will be distributed 3 small pits, the depth of each small pit is 1.5mm. when the total wear depth of both sides of the brake disc reaches 3mm, it is necessary to replace the brake disc in time.

  1. Listen to the sound: If the car makes a “iron scuffing” sound or a screeching sound when the brake pads are first installed, the brake pads must be replaced immediately. In this case, the brake pads’ limit markings on both sides have directly rubbed against the brake disc, and the brake pads’ braking capacity has plummeted and exceeded the limit.

3.How to deal with rusty brake discs?

  1. Treatment of minor rust: Usually, rust is a more common problem with brake discs. If it is only a minor rust, you can remove the rust by continuous braking while driving. Because disc brakes rely on the friction between the brake caliper and brake pads to brake, multiple braking can wear the rust away, of course, under the safe road continuous braking.
    2.Serious rust treatment: The above method is still useful for light rust, but serious rust cannot be solved. Because the rust is too stubborn, when braking, the brake pedal, steering wheel, etc. will have obvious shaking, not only can not “polish”, barely for it will also accelerate the wear and tear of the brake pads. So in this case, you should find a professional repairer to remove the brake disc and polish it to clean the rust. If the rust is particularly serious, even a professional repair shop can do nothing but replace the brake disc.

4.How to do the daily maintenance of brake discs?
1, car wash attention to protect the brake discs: when you are ready to wash the car, you can first put the car aside to cool down naturally, and then wash the car for maintenance. In our daily brake use, the brake disc will generate a lot of heat due to vehicle deceleration and friction, and the temperature will be very high. If you wash the car when the brake disc is high, the thermal expansion and contraction will distort the steel brake disc, and in serious cases, cracks will appear.
2, minimize the loss of brake discs: Although the loss of brake discs is slower than brake pads, and the mechanic at the repair store will only prompt the replacement of brake pads and brake fluid, the brake discs will wear out after a certain mileage, resulting in an uneven surface or the thickness of the discs not reaching the standard, which will seriously affect the brake performance in the long run.
3, to avoid brake noise: competitive grade brake pads are suitable for long-term extreme high temperature conditions, because the material formula is different and the use of different conditions, so it is normal to appear “hiss”, but the general civilian cars appear “hiss” brake noise should be But when a brake noise occurs in a residential car, you should pay attention to it. Owners should usually pay attention to clean brake pads and brake discs to reduce foreign objects into the brake system, and replace qualified brake pads.

